Home Page Forums Technical Discussion Unlocking the bootloader on the iPlay50 Mini or Mini Pro?

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Unlocking the bootloader on the iPlay50 Mini or Mini Pro?
2023-11-30 22:30:11
Replies: 1 | Views 2875 | Favorites: 1 | Subscriptions: 2

Hi Alldocube,


So these tablets are pretty much exactly what I’m looking for, but I can’t seem to get the bootloader unlocked on the iPlay50 mini.  It doesn’t seem to use the standard unisoc vbmeta.pem.  Is there a way we could get that?  If the mini pro is unlockable I’m willing to step up to that.  I want to be able to run a GSI on these tablets and I can’t do that without unlocking the bootloader.

2023-12-04 10:03:20

iPlay50 Mini is the CPU of Spreadtrum platform, so unlocking is relatively troublesome.
iplay50 mini pro is a MediaTek G99 CPU. BL unlocking is not much different from unlocking other Android 13 MediaTek machines.

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