Home Page Forums Technical Discussion iPlay 40 firmware updates and Widevine certification

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2021-11-14 16:43:13

где скачать прошивку ZIP архивом????

2021-11-16 21:17:14

I came to this website to look for a means to contact them, already thinking it would be unlikely they are interested in answering questions about software support. To my surprise: the website is renewed and it now actually has a forum. Like many Chinese forum; there is no actual staff from the company on it, it’s just something they wanted to have. Or got in the contract of the people that built the website for them.

Anyway, I am hoping for a few more security updates. The iPlay 40 is lacking a full year of security updates and it is getting a bit too much.

Netflix HD we can all forget; Netflix only certifies devices before they are released, never after.

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