



System update


iPlay50 Pro

iPlay50 Pro


System Firmware

Recommended Applications

Please pay attention to back up the tablet data before flashing, beware of data loss due to errors. FAQs

To be opened

All Comments (243 comments)


  • matsan

    Please provide the firmware for iPlay 50 Pro Max NFE (T1030MAN). Please!!

    My device has been bricked.

  • Steven Kan

    Hello Everyone,


    Would you mind to let me know how to locate the auth_sv5.auth, I can not find it from the sp_flash_tool_v6. 




    1. Akira reply to Steven Kan



      Download the chinese version of iplay50pro firmware(but no install this firmware), just use the SP_Flash_Tool_V6_Win to flash in the chinese firmware. That sp flash tool will contain the auth_sv5.auth file.

  • suwoni

    20240401T 펌웨어 업데이트함. 업데이트시 기존 앱 및 자료 전부 삭제됨. 안드로이드13 으로 바뀌고, 와이드바인은 L3 그대로인듯 함.

    기본 런처가 바뀌어 사용성은 편해졌음. 여러 앱을 합쳐서 폴더를 만드는것도 가능하나, 홈 화면에서만 이뤄지고, 앱 모음에서는 그대로 남아있음.

    펌웨어 업데이트 전에는 MS런처 사용했는데, 사용성은 비슷한 느낌임.

    자료나 앱 다시 깔 생각이 있다면 업데이트 추천하나, 자료가 날아가는게 부담스러우면 업데이트 추천하지 않음.

    1. johnny reply to suwoni

      시리얼넘버 01234….로 바뀌나요? 시리얼 안바뀌면 업뎃 해볼까 하는데

      1. suwoni reply to johnny

        모델 일련번호가 01234~ 로 바뀌긴 했어요. 실사용엔 문제없는듯 합니다.

  • Steven Kan

    How can I find the Auth_sv5.auth ?

  • anonymous

    can’t connect to hidden wifi ( no broadcasting )
    latest firmware.

  • I want drowing.

    Input correction is too effective and handwriting input is not possible. Request additional settings.

    1. a reply to I want drowing.

      As you can see by displaying the pointer location,
      please make it possible to adjust the range in which the start of the touch input is ignored.

      Or, do not ignore it.

  • matsan

    Please provide the firmware for iPlay 50 Pro Max NFE (T1030MAN).

  • DVBMan

    Is there any Firmware for the T1030MAN, the NFE Version of the iplay50 Pro?

  • J

    can i use this firmware to
    iPlay 50 Pro max G99

    cuz it is bricked

    1. Hase reply to J

      Try the option in the app “Upgrade and Download”

      1. PAUL LEE reply to Hase

        anyone can confirm this worked? My tablet, the iplay 50 pro NFE on bootloop.

    2. Hase reply to J

      Try the option in the app “Upgrade and Download”

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