



System update


iPlay50 mini

iPlay50 mini

The firmware compression package contains the flashing tutorial, please read it carefully before flashing.

System Firmware

Recommended Applications

Please pay attention to back up the tablet data before flashing, beware of data loss due to errors. FAQs

To be opened

All Comments (87 comments)

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  • Joe

    It could be impressive from Alldocube to already release the ninth firmware for the obviously flawed first-series T811 Mini tablet, but it’s still a useless piece of junk. The “device corrupt…” message still appears during boot-up, and it continues to crash at the most unexpected moments, unstable, and practically unusable. Alldocube, please release a tenth firmware!

    1. JT reply to Joe

      Sounds like you have faulty hardware.

      No firmware in the world could fix that.

      1. Joe reply to JT

        I’m sorry that my previous comment was moderated by Alldocube, even though there was nothing offensive in it. I just wanted to respond to the earlier suggestion that the cause of my complaints would be hardware-related. No, it’s definitely a software issue. After flashing the firmware, the device would generally work more or less for a while, even after installing my applications from the Google Store. The most annoying “device corrupt…” error during boot-up always occurred later, and not even directly after installing a new application. I ran almost all the repair programs I found in the Play Store, and they all reported the device as flawless, and the store’s control function also showed the applications as flawless. So, I maintain that I ended up with a fundamentally flawed first-series device. By the way, it’s telling that “T802” is written on the back, but of course, you can flash T811 firmware onto it.

  • Liddokun

    I successfully flashed iPlay50mini(T811)_EN_20231214.T using another version of the tool, here


  • Chu

    Did anyone find the fix for touchscreen issue?  It drives me crazy.

    1. Dmitry reply to Chu


      Всё подробно описано. Я так сделал, работает отлично !

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